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Remember the world before employee engagement? Employee experience, employee engagement, and work culture are the mainstays of HR and recruiting. The reason? Sapho. When Mad Fish Digital started working with Sapho in 2015, our focus was on increasing brand awareness and building a demand-gen strategy. In tandem with the talented team at Sapho, we crafted content strategies that leaned on visuals and press to drive results. Whether it was placements in the Huffington Post or Entrepreneur or Forbes, or building a visual strategy that helped people understand the connection between endless logins, notifications, and requests, we supported Sapho in making an industry-wide shift of how work gets done.

Did you know an epic novel is anything over 110,000 words? So, we basically wrote Wuthering Heights, but B2B style. You can call us the B2Bronte sisters.

A Partnership that Works

Together, Sapho and Mad Fish Digital drove change and purpose, leading the industry from a heads-down task-oriented mindset to one that opened the door to better business for people and profits. We’re proud to have worked with them until their successful acquisition by Citrix, as well as going on to work with the VP of Marketing in her next role.

The Challenge

Sapho came to us to help build their online reputation. We needed to help establish Sapho as a global leader in employee experience technology, increasing search traffic and brand awareness.

Our Approach

Crafting an innovative visual content strategy that drove earned and owned media, increased demand, and brand awareness. We created incentive and interest around key terms, as well as the brand itself.

Leading the Future of Work

Crafting the right story to increase awareness around how Sapho was leading the charge on the future of work was a challenge. Together with the client, we created content themes and roadmaps that centered compelling visual designs that delivered the message.

The Results

Organic traffic and on-site performance improved dramatically with the strategies put in place by the Mad Fish Digital and Sapho teams. We saw exponential growth over the two years we worked together before Sapho was acquired by Citrix.

Services Implemented